
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely Players - William Shakespeare

Ahoy, fellow Players on life’s grand stage!

In the vast theatre of existence, the words of William Shakespeare echo profoundly for me. Theatre has been a wellspring of wisdom, laughter, and growth, and it fills me with joy to share these enriching experiences with you.

I’m Simon, an ardent theatre enthusiast, actor, and director, deeply rooted in this vibrant world that has not only been my playground but also my mentor. Now, I stand here, eager to give back and extend my knowledge to all those seeking it.

Whether you picture me embodying a character, guiding a show, providing coaching, or leading an engaging workshop, I am thrilled to be at your side. Let’s set sails!

For Actors

Ready to step into the spotlight and hone your craft? Let’s journey into how I can support you in becoming the standout performer you aspire to be.

Personal Coaching

If you’re aiming to shine on stage, I’ve got your back. Drawing from my experience as both an actor and director, I offer personalized coaching sessions to help you bring out the best version of yourself under those stage lights. We’ll dive into character development, emotional depth, and refining your acting chops.

Movement Workshops

Ever wanted to elevate your acting through movement? Join me in these workshops where we’ll explore movement techniques to infuse a grounded and authentic style into your performances. I’ll share valuable insights and exercises that enhance your physical presence on stage, because let’s face it, most of our communication out there is through our bodies, not words. Inspired by exercises from Contact Improv, Intimacy Coordination, and the Viewpoints Technique, this workshop provides a framework you can (re-)use as you please. Safety is paramount, so any physical interaction is always based on consent, ensuring a secure environment for all performers.

For Directors

Looking for a helping hand in the director’s chair? Let’s dive into the specifics of how I can assist you in creating an outstanding show.

Director Coaching

If you’re a director looking for some guidance and a fresh perspective on your style, I’ve got your back. I offer coaching sessions to help you define and refine your unique directorial approach. We’ll work closely to enhance your vision and bring it to life on the stage. Whether you need a nudge, an extra pair of eyes during final rehearsals, or some coordination assistance, count on me to support you.

Scene Challenges

Dealing with tricky scenes as a director is no easy feat, no matter your level of experience. I’m more than happy to step in and finesse those scenes to align with your artistic vision. Expect immediate results while you maintain your artistic focus. I bring a unique blend of additional expertise in theatre tech and movement, offering a fresh perspective when setting up scenes.

What I Specialize In

  • Intimacy Coordination: Providing strategies and techniques to sensitively and professionally direct intimate scenes.
  • Stage Fights: Offering tips and methods to choreograph and coordinate action-packed scenes that leave a lasting impact.
  • Movement Coordination: When scenes call for innovative movement exploration or precisely choreographed sequences, I’m here to lend my support.
  • Technical Challenges: If you’re wrestling with the technical aspects of theatre, be it lights, audio, stage management, set design & changeovers, or other behind-the-scenes tasks, I’m more than willing to assist. I thrive in bringing all the trades together under a shared vision, allowing you to focus on what matters most to you. Ultimately, this collaboration results in a flawlessly executed show from a coordination perspective.

For Theatres and Groups

I’m on the hunt for directing gigs and super excited to collaborate with amateur groups, dive into musicals, and get into movement-heavy plays. Let’s team up to bring your theatrical vision to life and create unforgettable experiences for your audience.

My directing style is a mix of down-to-earth storytelling, a fast-paced narrative, and the expressive power of movement. I am working on the question of how our bodies influence and shape our expression on stage?

What I’m Good At

  • Amateur Productions: I’m all about working with amateur theatres. These groups often have a genuine passion for the art, and I love guiding budding actors to give captivating performances. Making sure each actor is authentic hooks the audience is my motto. I’m all about fostering a professional and supportive environment or just having a blast while striving for that perfect performance.
  • Musicals: Musicals deserve more than just glitter and glam. I’m all for digging deep, getting emotionally moving, and crafting musicals deeply rooted in storytelling. Let’s unfold musicals that grip the audience and leave a mark.
  • Movement-heavy Plays: Let’s get creative with how we tell a story using the language of the body. Less talk, more action! I excel at tackling complex performances with improvised movement or coordinated choreography, bringing order to what might seem chaotic. It’s all about inspiring actors to shine, adding precision and heart to their performances.

For Business

I, Simon Klug, a freelancer, offer workshops infused with the magic of the stage. Explore the Enabling Page to discover more. If you’re up for stepping out of your comfort zone, I’m thrilled to tailor a workshop to suit your needs. Brace yourself for self-discovery, team insights, and a potential shift in your world view!

Applied Improv for Corporate Growth

Applied Improv, can transform your business environment. I bring the art of improv off the stage and into the boardroom, fostering creativity, teamwork, and effective communication within your corporate team. Learn to think on your feet, adapt, and encourage creativity. Improv techniques can transform brainstorming, communication, and problem-solving Unleash the power of drama to bring out the best in your business dynamics.