Tension and Resistance
Workshop Let’s get physical
Enhancing LLM Performance with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
Prompt Engineering 101 - Elevating Your Prompts to New Heights
5 Übungen um Dialoge zu lernen Inspirationen von Sanford Meisner
Improfestival Karlsruhe 2023 An opinionated review and intro to the formats presented
Textwerkstatt An Texten Werkeln
Future Telling 5 - a theatre adventure
NLP for Programming Code
This Week I Learned - Week 43 2021
Blitzeinführung in NLP
This Week I Learned - Week 41 2021
The University of the Future
This Week I Learned - Week 40 2021
n-shot Learning for NLP
This Week I Learned - Week 39 2021
This Week I Learned - Week 34 2021
This Week I Learned - Week 33 2021
This Week I Learned - Week 31 2021
This Week I Learned - Week 30 2021
More Guidance, while Learning = More Better?
Notes on the Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference 2021
Let’s make this blog faster
How to repair a TimeMachine Backup Disk that is not detected?
About Reading 52 100 more Books a year
Improvisation for Business
Zufällige selbstgeschriebene Texte
Using Mediawiki for your society
Robot, Ninja, or Pirate? What improv personality are you?
[Lecture] Maschine Learning 2 - Advanced Methods
Safety and Security for Neuronal Networks
Summary Convolutional Neuronal Networks
Self Attention for Convolutional Neuronal Networks
[Lecture] Artificial Intelligence in Service Systems
Python Function Annotation
My Theatre Journey
Tips about Studying at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The Theories behind Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
Clean Code in Python
Crazy Singing Technique and Straw Phonation
How to add an E-Mail Adress to an existing Mediawiki-user
How to automatically deploy a Pelican blog with GitLab CI & Traefik